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AMD vs Intel Processor

      Intel and AMD are the two leading computer processor manufacturer across the world. But selecting the right processor for a computer leaves the user with a great confusion. This blog talks about the basic and essential differences that exist between the Intel processor and AMD processor.

        Experts suggest AMD processors for gaming and graphic purposes whereas they suggest Intel processor for normal usages and heavy application usages. But nowadays, Intel has become successful in gaming and graphics utilities by focusing more on inventing processor that is capable of handling heavier games and graphics.

        AMD processor is a very good competitor for Intel processors. They keep inventing advanced and latest featured processors like AMD Phenom II X3 and AMD Phenom II X4 etc.

        The main disadvantage of AMD processors is that these processors tend to heat up really faster than the Intel processors. Thus AMD processors are not so famous in hot countries than that of cold weathered countries.

Intel processors are highly effective and efficient in technical features

       Since the Intel processors are excellent in all the aspects, majority of the people will opt for it to avoid the disadvantages in AMD processors.

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