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Network Protocols

Network protocol is a typical set of rules and strategies that are defined to help the exchange of data between computers connected over the internet. Simply put, computer network protocol is used to make sure that both the sender and receiver is using the same message format in a network data exchange.

For example, if any two computer in a network intend to communicate each other will create a problem when each use a different message formats. Thus the protocol is used for restricting the sender and receiver of the network data transmission to use same formats.

There are several network protocols used across the world and following are the various familiar network protocols.
  • TCP / IP
  • NetBIOS
  • IPX / SPX
  • AppleTalk

Being the most popular and most commonly used netowork protocol, TCP / IP is known as the language of the internet and the most complex network protocol as well. TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) is the combination of two hardest working protocols known as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). TCP / IP comprised of many protocols that helps the effective communication between the computers connected to the internet.

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