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Lifecycle of ASP.NET

        The life cycle of an application of page is necessary to understand dynamic output produced, instantiation and processing concept and compilation terms.

 Application Life Cycle of ASP.NET

  • #Stage 1 - At this stage, user requests the web server for resource or page.

  • #Stage 2 - Request is received by a unified pipeline and ApplicationManager object is created.

  • #Stage 3 - Created objects are initialized.

  • #Stage 4 - Events are raised for processing the request received from the user.

ASP.NET Page Life Cycle

  • #Stage 1 - First ASP.NET Page is initialized

  • #Stage 2 - Controls available on the page are initialized.

  • #Stage 3 - Maintaining and restoring the states of the page

  • #Stage 4 - Executing the codes for event handling

  • #Stage 5 - Rendering the ASP.NET page.
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