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Introduction to .NET Software Development

        Microsoft Corporation has developed an excellent development environment for developing web based and windows based software applications called .NET framework. Applications developed using .NET framework is compatible with all Microsoft environments.

        The Integrated Development Environment of .NET framework is name as Visual Studio.NET and there are several versions of Visual Studio are released by Microsoft Corporation. The latest version is Visual Studio 2013 which uses .NET framework version 4.5.1 

Why .NET is Superior? 

        Evolving from the world's leading software manufacturer, .NET framework has several salient features that have revolutionized the software industry. The complete set of tools and services provided by .NET framework has minimized the total complexity of software development. Especially, the web applications development tools have been appreciated by almost all the software developers around the world. 

Highlights of .NET platform  

  • Support for multiple programming languages and cross language integration facility.

  • Excellent GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  • Large collection of library files

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